//Please keep the lines in the same order //You don't need to translate the lines starting with // //Translated language string (change to your language) English //Top bar buttons OPTIONS CONTROLS PLAY MODS //General strings and button captions ON OFF MONITORS ALL RELOAD DEFAULT SAVE KEYBOARD CONTROLLER ADVANCED BACK TEXT VOICES Yes No Cancel //Top bar descriptions Graphics, sound and language options Controller and keyboard options Start the game Launch the Mod Manager Minimize the program Quit the program //Dialog boxes Unable to detect SADX Mod Loader. This launcher is meant to be run from SADX main folder. Please put AppLauncher.exe in your SADX folder (where SADXModManager.exe is). Update check failed. The server may be offline, or there is no Internet connection. New version found! Would you like to download it? You are running the latest version of the launcher. New controller detected. Mapping created for: Saved bindings and settings for: Saved bindings for the keyboard. There are unsaved changes. Would you like to apply them? //Dialog box titles Mod Loader not found Update check failed Update found! No updates required New controller detected Save successful Save changes? //Language options Change text language to Japanese when the game starts Change text language to English when the game starts Change text language to French when the game starts Change text language to Spanish when the game starts Change text language to German when the game starts Change voice language to Japanese when the game starts Change voice language to English when the game starts //Strings for the Options screen All screens Screen settings Resolution Mode Windowed Fullscreen VSync Resizable Borderless Graphics settings Framerate Detail level High (best) Low Lowest Sound settings Music volume Voice volume 3D sound Custom window size Enable Screen scaling Force 4:3 Texture filtering Mipmaps Debug messages Console Screen File //Descriptions for the Options screen Rendering resolution and window size The game will display in a window Exclusive fullscreen, recommended for low-end systems Synchronize framerate with the monitor's refresh rate Don't synchronize framerate with the monitor's refresh rate Make the game's window resizable Make the game's window static, recommended for best performance Run the game in borderless mode, recommended for most systems Run the game in exclusive fullscreen mode, recommended for low-end systems Higher framerate provides smoother gameplay Detail level - High recommended for most systems Music volume in percent Voice volume in percent Enable surround stereo Disable surround stereo The game will display on all screens The game will display on the first screen The game will display on the second screen Discard changes Load optimal default settings Save settings About this program Set the size of the game window (can be different from resolution) Scale display to screen/window size (for downsampling) Force side borders for non-4:3 resolutions Make textures appear smoother (recommended) Make textures on distant objects appear smoother (recommended) Show debug information in console Show debug information on screen Enable debug log file output //Strings for the Controls screen Controller name Input devices Keyboard player Enable mouse Controller radial motion Controller deadzones Left stick Right stick Triggers Controller rumble Minimum time Multiplier Mega rumble //Descriptions for the Controls screen Advanced controller settings Save bindings and settings for current controller/keyboard Load default bindings Show an XInput-like layout Show indices for buttons/analog sticks Change bindings for keyboard Change bindings for Controller Select which player is controlled by the keyboard Enable mouse input (globally) Disable mouse input (globally) Enable full range for left analog stick Disable full range for left analog stick Enable full range for right analog stick Disable full range for right analog stick Deadzone for left analog stick Deadzone for right analog stick Digital conversion threshold for triggers Minimum vibration time Vibration strength Fire both motors at once, never independently Fire motors independently //Bindings Rotate camera left Rotate camera right Move forward Move backwards Move left Move right Menu up Menu down Menu left Menu right Start Jump Action / Spindash Action / Pick up Whistle Look up Look down Look left Look right Center camera Z button (for mods) C button (for mods) D button (for mods) Slow walk //Binding context menu Rebind Clear binding Restore default binding Reload binding from file Bind a special key Axis Button D-Pad //Button names for context menu left shoulder right shoulder back start left stick right stick home Up Down Left Right //Key names for context menu Left Shift Right Shift Left Alt Right Alt Left Ctrl Right Ctrl Numpad End (1) Down (2) Page Down (3) Left (4) Center (5) Right (6) Home (7) Up (8) Page Up (9) Num Delete Num Plus Num Minus Num Multiply Num Divide Num Enter //Misc strings for the Controls screen Press button for: Press key for: , Escape or middle click to cancel , middle click to cancel Remapping cancelled //Strings for the About screen About this program Sonic Adventure DX Launcher Configuration tool for MainMemory's Mod Loader and SonicFreak94's Input Mod. Translated by . This program is part of SADX Mod Installer by PkR. Check for launcher updates Mod Installer homepage Developer's Twitter Resources and tools used: SADX Steam launcher graphics SA1/SADX textures, wallpapers and promotional art SDL2 library Built with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Check for updates for this launcher Visit SADX Mod Installer's homepage Visit PkR's Twitter Go back to the previous screen Checking for updates, please wait... //Strings I forgot to add in the first version of this file Insert (0) CHECK OPEN SADX Input Mod is not installed. Keyboard and controller configuration is not available. Would you like to download the Input Mod? Input Mod missing Translated by