Following the complete SADXPC split, here’s my attempt at a near-full level/model/animation rip of SA1 Dreamcast. It includes all levels, almost all object models, the majority of motions and some data from the older split such as level object lists for most levels. When the SA Tools update is complete, it should be possible to copy this over the SADXPC split (except the object lists) and be able to load SA1 levels and objects in SADXLVL2.
This split is less complete than the SADXPC one. Here’s a list of things missing from it:
-Individual landtable items are not ripped as separate files.
-Various miscellaneous data, such as texlists, dialogue text etc. are not ripped.
-Some levels are missing object lists.
-EV files are not ripped (maybe I’ll get to that someday).
-All shape motions are missing.
-Some other motions may be missing.
-Some object models may be missing (shouldn’t be a lot).
-We don’t have source filenames for SA1 Chao assets so I created the file structure from scratch.
-Some Chao animal parts may be missing or have wrong filenames.
-There is some minor inconsistency with character upgrades which have Adventure Field versions. Some of those are placed in the respective Adventure Field objects folder rather than the character’s folder.
-Some models and animations don’t have proper labels because I couldn’t match them with SADX assets.
-Some character animations may have wrong labels.
Other than the above, it’s a complete rip of levels, models and animations that follows the structure of the new SADXPC split. To try it, extract SA1 1.005 (US, animated title screen) ISO to SA Tools\SA1\data and run SA Tools\SA1\splitSA1.bat. The output will be in SA Tools\SA1\output.
A few days ago I also added support for SA1 Gamecube .REL files that use special compression (thanks Exant for the decompression code!). The tools should now be able to work with these files, and I will likely make a split configuration for SADX Gamecube as well. It will be less complete than SA1 or SADXPC but it will focus on the assets that are different between Gamecube and PC versions. A similar split configuration may also be made for SADX Preview eventually.