SADX Mod Installer update

The SADX Mod Installer was discontinued back in 2022. However, with the arrival of the new SA Mod manager and retirement of the original SADX Mod Manager I felt it was necessary to update it. Many people are still using it, and Linux/Steam Deck tutorials seem to rely on it. Although I want to retire the installer as soon as possible, I made the following update to make it easier for people using it right now:

  • If you’re running Windows 7 or above, it will install the new SA Mod Manager (auto picking x86 or x64). If you’re running Windows XP, it will install the legacy SADX Mod Manager.
  • .NET 7.0 Desktop (x86 or x64) is installed automatically on Windows 7 and above.
  • The installer was made compatible with Windows XP. All tools, including Steam conversion, are completely functional on XP. Online functionality will not work on XP and 7 due to outdated certificates, but it might work if the system has correct certificates.
  • The Steam conversion process has been altered to rely on patches. Now the installer doesn’t supply the EXE or DLLs from the 2004 version, instead it patches the Steam version to turn it into the 2004 US version using a 5MB diff file. This was made possible thanks to HDiffPatch. Best Buy, EU original, Sonic PC Collection and Korean versions of SADX are also patchable.

The installer still doesn’t support the new configuration format introduced in the new Mod Manager, and I think it will probably stay that way. However, the new Mod Manager picks up the old format settings generated by the installer so this should be no problem to the players.

At some point in the future the new Mod Manager will handle the Steam conversion, and the installer will no longer be necessary. Some of its features will be implemented in the new Mod Manager or through other means: for example, Guide Mode could be done as a web page with 1-click install links.